Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just Reflecting

The weekend is slowly approaching and the excitement that I had last Thursday this time has almost completely left my system. This time last week my mind was gearing off and tumbling through packing lists, random forum posts, directions and joyous celebration. That’s right it was the day before the annual Camping trip in GA with my Sister. One would think that I would hate the experience of four days in the woods sans electricity (for the most part) would drive me past the brink of no return but alas the experience is worth the smoldering days and the bitter cold nights. Hedon is an experience like no other and I truly believe that for each soul out there to become truly grounded they should experience just one, even if they don’t drink and bail out a day early because their fun meter has crashed.

Many important life lessons are learned on this extended weekend. Ones you will take with you cherish and hopefully have out of your system before 9am the following work day. Camp songs are great at camp but trying to picture me standing outside my next work meeting singing “why are we waiting……..” although bringing a crude smile to my face is quickly tucked away. Yet there have already been several times this week when I have wanted to go from Pod to pod yelling “I am coming to your tent, I’m going to wake you up. LA LA LA LA” that too has been suppressed to the tank below where warm beer flows and topless folks are a memory.

I think I learned this year as much as I did last,
if not more.

1. Non drinkers come to hedon too. (I know don’t pass out)
2. Volley ball players and Bocce ball players are still mortal enemies
3. Skits with a plot will quickly get gonged off stage
4. Drink liquor after midnight, not red bull
5. Ear plugs are God’s way of telling us he loves us
6. Don’t compare one year of camp to the next year of camp, just take it for what it is worth
7. Don’t trust a man in a corvette if he says he is gay
8. They don’t care if they are real or fake when it comes down to they just want to see them
9. Those who say they don’t really do, hashers lie
10. Really?!?! It will kill the grass?? The only thing that truly kills the grass are those that take away the fun
11. Avoid bloody marys at all costs, if they have vodka, flavor, no flavor, etc. . . they are still not good for you at camp
12. Louder is better
13. Pack it, even if you think there is no way you will need it, there really is someone out there that might (white thigh high boots?? Sure everyone playing on the volley ball court needs a pair)
14. Nothing is safe
15. Say good bye like you mean it, don’t say things you don’t want to hear later on video, yes everyone does have a camera

I guess that is all I should bore you with right now. The photos are slowly coming in and I will try to post some if/when I can. I think I have convinced the fiancé, which will be husband by this time next year, to join us in the camping trip. Which the sister will hate but I will adore.

Until next time,


Thursday, May 17, 2007

just Thursday

Some where in my jagged life a Wednesday passed me by and left me wanting more, like the last drag of a minty menthol Marlboro when you know that you don’t have another pack waiting for you in the car.

School starts tonight.

Do I dread the next 10 weeks of calculating distances of trains and studying numbers like they are half as cool as my new silk Michael Kors hand bag?

Yes and No.

because I have had such horrible experiences with my last handful of math educators. I really could care less for the mathematician super stars that Forsyth employs. They are angry individuals that some where along the logarithm lost the passion for which they began teaching, and they feel it is their duty in life to beat exponents down the raw throats of community college students. They are angry individuals that have seen the bright star of their potential super model, rock star, astronaut careers slip through their fingers. I am sorry for them that they didn’t end up down the path of equal 2 by 4 bricks to the emerald city. I am sorry that their bitterness flies from their mouths, body language and lands in our laps. I truly am. I wish all my instructors the life they always wanted. Some where along the line they had to want to teach didn’t they? Did they want to give back to the future, productive members of society or was it simply their life goal to take their nerdiness and project it on to those that haven’t discovered their paths? School attendance is a choice. Just because there is only one community college in a town that doesn’t mean it is the only community college accessible to the masses. Living in a town with three colleges Forsyth must know that they have competition. That eventually their antics of feeding off those that drop off days after they could have gotten a 100% tuition reimbursement will have to end. Because we are a service based world where we the students, tax payers and sadly breeders expect to get our monies worth and we should. Student bodies aren’t what put out the sexy co-ed calendars each year, they should be the group of folks that stand up and say what is right on campus, and say what is wrong with out the southern hospitality that they have grown to know and love.

No, I don’t look forward to school for all the reasons and more that I have listed above and simply when you compare the sheen of the handbag to the rugged corners of my College Algebra book you too would pick the handbag. Sure it might be hard to ever find shoes that match it dead on but it has all these clever pockets that I will never use and when it comes right down to it, I love the smell of new purse. The satin smell is better than fresh peanut butter cookies.

So my Thursday will continue and I will be the good student taking her second shot at math and take myself and the rugged corner algebra book to campus tonight, but don’t you even think that I will attempt to park in a “legal” spot I will continue my quiet rebellion as I sneak into campus and find a nice, close spot labeled “staff” and ease in my no-longer clean white car, hit the door lock button and stroll slowly up to class. Heck if things go really well and I am halfway on time I might even grab the nectar of the gods (as you may plainly call it, starbucks) and suckle it down while I start the new semester.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just a Tuesday

So I realized I haven't blogged in forever and not that anyone really reads this these days but I need to find something to fill my time other than being completely engrossed in the blogs of others. Which I have found some that simply amaze and astonish me. The abilities of some folks have out there for writing is jaw dropping.

Life is going, I feel as though I am battling against the "how's wedding planning going?" almost daily. Where would wedding planning go? The date, location, time and people are the same; I am just waiting for the time to go by. I find it goes one day at a time, but for those folks out there that continue to ask about the planning have a way to make it go by faster please let me know and I would be very happy to try out your technique. To all those wondering "how is your wedding planning going?" my response is "so very awesome, thank you for asking".

Still playing at getting an education. That is going as slow as the above mentioned wedding planning. I am burnt out and have come to the point where I just don't care anymore. I know I have passed the age, reasoning and abilities to marry for money because the rich older folk of the world have figured us out and it is no longer an option, additionally who really wants the 28 year old model when the 18 year old model takes less maintenance and has less city miles? Not that I saying that I am your classic American made beater model but the years and wear and tear are starting to show. I would like to say in the Kelly blue book of "female models" I would still be in the "good" condition but the scars, bumps, baggage has clearly taken me out of the "excellent" rankings. To that I shrug and treasure the scars that are here to say and wave my heart at marrying for love. YAY love. In all reality I do feel very blessed that I have met my dearest Lance he is all that I could have ever wanted for myself and more. I could go on for days bragging on the boy but really see paragraph one, no one really reads these things and I know he has heard all my niceties to the point of gagging.

School.......I was on point some where. I endured the 2+ hour enrollment at good old forsyth today and was able to wedge my way into college algebra, yes again. I/Lance was hoping I could get into another online physiology course but that road was closed so I will be taking on one course this semester which probably puts my attempts of graduation anywhere in the next three years further back. Yes I do believe that Gina's child will be starting middle school before I can officially say that I am done with school. But this is the price we pay for wanting more for ourselves right?

Excitement in my life?? TONS. Okay maybe not tons, I do feel as though the world is spinning faster these days than in day past. I know that I find myself on the couch watching random programming wishing I would do more "things" with my time only to talk myself into staying statuesque on the furniture. But then I wonder how did I do all the things I did before? I want to work out, read more, play with the sewing machine but just find myself trapped in this lazy double universe of blah, Dr. who flashbacks enter and still I am sitting on the couch feeling detached from the world and all those that happen to be in it. I shrug my shoulders as I type and try to attempt to plan this evenings events out in my head only to come up with . . . House is on at 9pm yippy! So there goes planning for me.

Camping Trip 2007 is coming up in less than 10 days, and boy am I looking forward to that. I will share pictures once I get them loaded. 3 days in Georgia with the hashers again and as hard as it is to explain to folks it really is a wonderful time. Memories from this trip are stored in that special space in my brain so that they are not crowded with random BIO/CHEM facts that I can't seem to let go of, remember last year when...oh and how I laugh to myself.

Well I guess that is about all I have on playing catch up for now. I will try to write more often seeing that work has booted me out of myspace and my creative jealous juices need to flow freely some where.

Have an amazing Tuesday and I look writing for you again in the very near future.