Just Reflecting

Many important life lessons are learned on this extended weekend. Ones you will take with you cherish and hopefully have out of your system before 9am the following work day. Camp songs are great at camp but trying to picture me standing outside my next work meeting singing “why are we waiting……..” although bringing a crude smile to my face is quickly tucked away. Yet there have already been several times this week when I have wanted to go from Pod to pod yelling “I am coming to your tent, I’m going to wake you up. LA LA LA LA” that too has been suppressed to the tank below where warm beer flows and topless folks are a memory.
I think I learned this year as much as I did last,
if not more.

1. Non drinkers come to hedon too. (I know don’t pass out)
2. Volley ball players and Bocce ball players are still mortal enemies
3. Skits with a plot will quickly get gonged off stage
4. Drink liquor after midnight, not red bull
5. Ear plugs are God’s way of telling us he loves us
6. Don’t compare one year of camp to the next year of camp, just take it for what it is worth
7. Don’t trust a man in a corvette if he says he is gay
8. They don’t care if they are real or fake when it comes down to they just want to see them
9. Those who say they don’t really do, hashers lie

11. Avoid bloody marys at all costs, if they have vodka, flavor, no flavor, etc. . . they are still not good for you at camp

12. Louder is better
13. Pack it, even if you think there is no way you will need it, there really is someone out there that might (white thigh high boots?? Sure everyone playing on the volley ball court needs a pair)
14. Nothing is safe
15. Say good bye like you mean it, don’t say things you don’t want to hear later on video, yes everyone does have a camera
I guess that is all I should bore you with right now. The photos are slowly coming in and I will try to post some if/when I can. I think I have convinced the fiancé, which will be husband by this time next year, to join us in the camping trip. Which the sister will hate but I will adore.
Until next time,
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