Where have I been?? Here’s a LONG Winded Blog for you!
I know that my loyal readers (Woody) have commented about the lack of bloging going on and I had vowed that I wasn’t going to blog until Marcia and Gina blogged and well gosh darn it Marcia has been doing a daily blog and well Gina just put up a new blog so the ball is officially in my court.
So my last blog (as seen below was March 9th) and today is April 12th. What fun!! Here is a short/long run down of what has been going on in the life of Jen.
The week of March 8th we lost a dear family friend. Paul Swander, the father of one of my best childhood friends Melissa, passed away in Las Vegas and his funeral was March 13th. I have so many fond memories of Paul and how he will always be an endearing father figure to me. He will be greatly missed.
March 19th I packed up the little Toyota about 3:30am to head to the sunny streets of Washington DC. The traffic was actually really decent until I saw the pentagon exit sign and then I slowly crept slower into town. The weekend was quite eventful to say the least. Gina, Seth and I had a great time at the
park and the next day we all had a great time at the Circus, to which I haven’t attended since the fateful year that Mr. Mancuso let me sit in the very very back of his Honda and we traveled to, I believe, Jacksonville, one year in high school for Gina’s birthday. The circus was all I remembered and beer, I mean more! The
horses, elephants, zebras, 

lions, and jumpy dogs were quite a site.

Then the 21st Gina, Seth and I traveled to Norfolk, VA to Gina’s house and spent the night down town before I had to head home for my nightly clinicals.
Lance and I have also had a couple chances to take the new bikes out, and BOY oh BOY have we had some fun!
Then we went to walk around Best Buy (never a good idea) and I tried to beg Lance to buy me the X box 360 final fantasy special edition, it was a white consol with extra remotes, a headset, and 250Gb hard drive and and and. . . I realized that we could buy final fantasy XIII on PS3 and the guidebook for ¼ the price and stopped throwing a tantrum and was happy. We ended our evening with a couple cold miller lites in the theater room at the apartment complex and watched The Pursuit of Happyness, yes I know it is an older flick but we hadn’t seen it yet and it was SOOO Very good.
Saturday I had a fun play date with Stephanie and we caught up on each others lives, got some more of her diaper bag sewn together, finished a pair of baby booties for little Trillo then finished up our date sitting in the middle of the driveway eating yummy gooey brownie-cookie desert and soaking up the sun.
I then headed out to the Steerman’s to see the progress of the shed building party that they were hosting. Jennifer prepared another amazing meal for all of us, and then we share some birthday cake with James. (carrot cake from Dewey’s)
So my last blog (as seen below was March 9th) and today is April 12th. What fun!! Here is a short/long run down of what has been going on in the life of Jen.
The week of March 8th we lost a dear family friend. Paul Swander, the father of one of my best childhood friends Melissa, passed away in Las Vegas and his funeral was March 13th. I have so many fond memories of Paul and how he will always be an endearing father figure to me. He will be greatly missed.

lions, and jumpy dogs were quite a site.

School has been going well, my CNA course, as well as my online communication class. I had a really good time at the first round of clinicals at a retirement home and I will dearly miss some of my residents which I feel as though I was able to build some small bonds with. I will miss their stories, and the commitment that one resident had in particular that my Mother was her social studies teacher in 1945. Good times.
On Friday my presentation for my online course was due, and check out the feedback our group received: "Group #5, Never have I viewed one of these where my mouth actually dropped and I said, "Wow, they covered absolutely everything and presented it in a way that was nearly perfection." This had to be the absolutely best cultural presentation I have seen in my 4 years of teaching this course. I usually send an attachment of that faculty eval form with comments on each piece. I figured doing that was not necessary. This was probably a better job than even your instructor could do. May I keep/use as an example for future classes?" Yeah we got 100%. I am/was pretty excited about that.
On another school note I had a very informative orientation on the 30th and was able to pick out my schedule for the coming fall, more information to be added after July, and was even able to sign up for some other online course that I need for another program that I am going to pursue after this program is complete.
Summer D came back in town for a short visit and we all had a really nice dinner over at Blair’s house, it was really good to see her!!! She is doing super great at Lego and get this, Loves her job! Who would have thunk it? She also brought me a really neat lego magnet of some star wars dude with a little light saber. He is stuck to one of the posts in my pod to remind me that there are people who leave this lovely place and do find happiness. I should also note there is one mini van skate shoe that also sits close by to remind me of the same thing.
Easter was terrific. Lance and I went to Target to pick up some teal, grass basket paper and filled the big glass thingy for a center piece in the middle of our dinning room table, we dropped in three sugar free peeps (again, who would have thunk) and a bag full of malt robin eggs and it turned out really cute, even though somebody was slowly eating away at my center piece. Lance and I traveled out to Rolesville and had the most perfect Easter Brunch with Terri and Cathy, veggie gravy over biscuits with strawberry jellies, fresh pineapple, and Lance and my attempt at a strawberry pie. YUM!! We then went car/house dreaming around town, got in a round of Wii Bowling (to which one game I was able to score two turkeys in one game) and then hit the road back to Winston, where the puppies were waiting happy to have had a play date with Mrs. Stephanie.
Friday night Lance and I had date night, and we went to Mario’s pizza off Miller and I tried their eggplant parm sub and it was GOOOOOOOOD!! We then went driving around Ardmore to look at some houses. We found one that is really awesome and listed by my buddy Bill Poore with Prudential
(my old boss) and we are crossing our fingers that it stays on the market until February.
On Friday my presentation for my online course was due, and check out the feedback our group received: "Group #5, Never have I viewed one of these where my mouth actually dropped and I said, "Wow, they covered absolutely everything and presented it in a way that was nearly perfection." This had to be the absolutely best cultural presentation I have seen in my 4 years of teaching this course. I usually send an attachment of that faculty eval form with comments on each piece. I figured doing that was not necessary. This was probably a better job than even your instructor could do. May I keep/use as an example for future classes?" Yeah we got 100%. I am/was pretty excited about that.
On another school note I had a very informative orientation on the 30th and was able to pick out my schedule for the coming fall, more information to be added after July, and was even able to sign up for some other online course that I need for another program that I am going to pursue after this program is complete.
Summer D came back in town for a short visit and we all had a really nice dinner over at Blair’s house, it was really good to see her!!! She is doing super great at Lego and get this, Loves her job! Who would have thunk it? She also brought me a really neat lego magnet of some star wars dude with a little light saber. He is stuck to one of the posts in my pod to remind me that there are people who leave this lovely place and do find happiness. I should also note there is one mini van skate shoe that also sits close by to remind me of the same thing.
Easter was terrific. Lance and I went to Target to pick up some teal, grass basket paper and filled the big glass thingy for a center piece in the middle of our dinning room table, we dropped in three sugar free peeps (again, who would have thunk) and a bag full of malt robin eggs and it turned out really cute, even though somebody was slowly eating away at my center piece. Lance and I traveled out to Rolesville and had the most perfect Easter Brunch with Terri and Cathy, veggie gravy over biscuits with strawberry jellies, fresh pineapple, and Lance and my attempt at a strawberry pie. YUM!! We then went car/house dreaming around town, got in a round of Wii Bowling (to which one game I was able to score two turkeys in one game) and then hit the road back to Winston, where the puppies were waiting happy to have had a play date with Mrs. Stephanie.

Then we went to walk around Best Buy (never a good idea) and I tried to beg Lance to buy me the X box 360 final fantasy special edition, it was a white consol with extra remotes, a headset, and 250Gb hard drive and and and. . . I realized that we could buy final fantasy XIII on PS3 and the guidebook for ¼ the price and stopped throwing a tantrum and was happy. We ended our evening with a couple cold miller lites in the theater room at the apartment complex and watched The Pursuit of Happyness, yes I know it is an older flick but we hadn’t seen it yet and it was SOOO Very good.
Saturday I had a fun play date with Stephanie and we caught up on each others lives, got some more of her diaper bag sewn together, finished a pair of baby booties for little Trillo then finished up our date sitting in the middle of the driveway eating yummy gooey brownie-cookie desert and soaking up the sun.

AMAZING and smells pretty darn good as well, I went to target and got a new shower curtain, drip pans for the stove, pot holders and such, and to Home Depot to pick out some new plants for my sun room garden. I did not go super crazy (for once) and I got a tomato plant to put in the upside down hanger, a morning glory, two snapdragons and some other pretty pink flower, and got all those planted (then vacuumed).

Lance got home from helping the Steerman’s finish up the shed and I put in Final Fantasy, I got about 15-20 minutes in and the Peacock’s called to meet up for dinner so I sadly saved and turned it off. (I will totally start playing next weekend,
regardless of what “super gamer” Marcia says.) Dinner was great, the company was better. We finished off our evening in our living room watching our Sunday evening cartoons, took a bath, went to bed and here I am!!
So there is the not so brief run down of my last month+. What have you been up to!?!
Baby Webb is due 4/17 and there has been quite a bit of action on that front, if you want to read up about it visit Marcia’s Blog and Gina has finally returned to the East Coast and her Blog is here.
Take care and I will try to blog more soon.
Upcoming events:
4/17: Baby Webb Due & 5k Hospice Run
4/20: Somebody is having a birthday
4/26: Last CNA class
4/29: Heading to TX with Mary Beth to celebrate Melissa’s Birthday
4/30: Last online class
5/3: Back from Texas
5/5: Val’s Birthday
5/6: Marcia’s Birthday
6/11: First Summer Friday (7-6pm Mon-Thurs with Fridays off)
6/19-6/26: Beach Vacation!
7/5: Holiday

So there is the not so brief run down of my last month+. What have you been up to!?!
Baby Webb is due 4/17 and there has been quite a bit of action on that front, if you want to read up about it visit Marcia’s Blog and Gina has finally returned to the East Coast and her Blog is here.
Take care and I will try to blog more soon.
Upcoming events:
4/17: Baby Webb Due & 5k Hospice Run
4/20: Somebody is having a birthday
4/26: Last CNA class
4/29: Heading to TX with Mary Beth to celebrate Melissa’s Birthday
4/30: Last online class
5/3: Back from Texas
5/5: Val’s Birthday
5/6: Marcia’s Birthday
6/11: First Summer Friday (7-6pm Mon-Thurs with Fridays off)
6/19-6/26: Beach Vacation!
7/5: Holiday
That's a lot of info and stuff to take in. :}
BTW I was at Paul's funeral and it was very touching.
Well you know I like to stay busy :) . . Wish I could have made it back down for Paul's funeral.
Snapdragons are a cold weather flower! And Hannah's favorite if you didn't know that. I want to see flower pictures.
Also, I love the shower curtain :)
well maybe not in carolina, they said that they flower through the summer and require at least six hours of sunlight per day. . . . I am no botonist, I just thought they were pretty and that they would get at least 6 hours of sunlight in my sunroom. . .I will send photos tomorrow or Wednesday.
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