Happy Baby Shower Hailey!
Woke up Friday morning about 3:00AM and made the quick drive to Charlotte Airport, parked the Yo Yo (my new name for the Toyota) and tried to put the lot number of the long term parking area into my deep memory caverns. M5! Once I road the bus from long term parking to the actual airport it was about 5:12AM. My heart raced as I saw the security line coming out the main doors, then my little ticker skipped yet another beat when I saw the Delta line was even longer but going in a completely different direction. Sweat began to bead up on my forehead at this point. I stood what I was to believe the end of the Delta line and heard the friendly front desk attendant shout “anyone on flight 1609 please step to the front of the line.” I stepped like a pasa fino to the front of the line, got my boarding pass and looked again at the impending doom of the security check point line. A kindly older gentleman saw the despair in my eyes and whispered “cut infront of me” and I grinned from ear to ear and happily did as I was told. I finally made it to the airport terminal in what I thought was just the right time, come to find out that the tunnel leading to the plane was backed all the way up. I totally had time to stop for a coffee. After having my carry-on taken from me, and was assured it would arrive at my final destination I boarded the plane with the yearning to catch a couple Zzzzzs.
No go. . .there was a very charming man sitting to my right that was a traveling sales person from some sort of risk management group who apparently was 5 coffees past his legal limit and he wanted to yack yack yack the whole flight. With only half a Kangaroo coffee on my stomach and remembering my gum was in my now checked carry on I did all the smiling and nodding I possibly could while trying to be polite and not fall asleep. The man to my left was a very quiet (probably because he got to sleep) man from Honduras, I did practice some of my spanish, my Karla would have been so proud of me.
Once landing in ATL (shooter) I was able to get a diet coke, and an egg and cheese sandwich and make it on time to the flight. This was a beautiful 757 and there was enough rows and enough people that no one had to share a row with anyone if they didn’t want to. I got a cold water, a blanket and some cookies and had some really funny conversations with two Virginian girls one row over.
Upon exiting the gate and making it to the common area of the JAX airport I spy the most wonderful face these eyes have seen in a long long (too long) time. My Mom!! I was so over joyed upon seeing her that I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry, so I just hugged.
We made the return trip in really good time, at least it felt like we did as we just sat and caught up on each others lives and just spent some much needed quality time together. Then I took Mom back to campus, put the top down on her little red convertible, and ran to target then to the Morgan home to play with the new puppy and attempt to take a nap.
Once landing in ATL (shooter) I was able to get a diet coke, and an egg and cheese sandwich and make it on time to the flight. This was a beautiful 757 and there was enough rows and enough people that no one had to share a row with anyone if they didn’t want to. I got a cold water, a blanket and some cookies and had some really funny conversations with two Virginian girls one row over.
Upon exiting the gate and making it to the common area of the JAX airport I spy the most wonderful face these eyes have seen in a long long (too long) time. My Mom!! I was so over joyed upon seeing her that I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry, so I just hugged.
We made the return trip in really good time, at least it felt like we did as we just sat and caught up on each others lives and just spent some much needed quality time together. Then I took Mom back to campus, put the top down on her little red convertible, and ran to target then to the Morgan home to play with the new puppy and attempt to take a nap.

Saturday Marcia, Hannah, Ethan and I got up, had some breakfast and headed off for the day. Marcia and Hannah went to the salon while Ethan and I went to Toys-R-us to pick out some toys for everyone. Then we went back to get Hannah made a trip to the mall, then back to the salon, then back to McDonalds, then back to the salon and then back to the house to help Mom and Dad finish setting up for the party.

Sunday Ethan, Ashley and I went for a 2.57 mile walk-jog-run up to Tower Road and watched squirrels, picked flowers, tried to go down not really real paths, and had a really good time. Then just Hannah and I went to the Mill bakery for Breakfast, walked around the Kmart Shopping plaza, and went to Jo-Ann fabrics to get some new fabrics, Hannah and I found this really neat hippy sign fleece and a small pillow and went home to make a pillow for her to take home with her. She was a delight Sunday morning. We just talked and she read to me from her book and just caught up, she is truly an amazing little person and I have really adored watching her grow up into the little lady she has become.
Sunday afternoon Mom, Dad and I went to see Pap Morgan after the kids were all packed up in the monster truck and headed on their merry way. He was doing really well and it was really good to see and spend a couple hours with him. We went out to the gardens and sucked up some of the warm Florida air and just talked about everything. Back at the Morgan house we played with the puppy, chatted and sat around with computers on our laps, there is nothing that feels better than being home :).
Monday back to the airport with this girl and made it very much on time this go round and was very sad to see Mom drive away. Better that she drop me off at the curb though as I think it would have been harder to watch her walk away. I miss that Lady! I am very very lucky girl to have the amazing parents that I do. They are funny and kind and have really huge hearts and they are just the kind of people that you want to spend time with.
All and all a lovely lovely weekend. Yesterday was kind of rough, I missed the family and I really wish I would have had more time to spend with Marcia one on one, seeing that the next time we hang out she will have another person I have to share her with.
Good times.
I'm glad you had such a great visit! Your family is awesome and it's really nice that, as adults, we've learned to enjoy our families. Happiness!
Glad you had a good time in the G-vill! :}
Thanks Ladies! It really was a good time, besides the herds of college folks leaving town for spring break filled all the roads, it was really great to be surrounded by my amazing family.
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