Sunday, November 15, 2009

Some Gina inspiration

Man I love some good inspiration!! This weeks inspiration has been brought to me by Gina! And the letter Y! Ha ha. . . . . so Gina requested some cases the other week and I am happy to say they have been mailed and received so since she needed something and I figured out how to make it, I figured I would throw a couple more together and put them up on etsy. So Gina if you get any compliments on your cases please send them to my page!! New to arrive are my new multi purpose phone/Iphone-pod-touch cases. . Stop on in and check ‘em out.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


And no I am not pregnant. So let the air out of your lungs. As many of you know my lovely sister is pregnant again and with the chance and the know how of being more crafty than her first two pregnancies I have been working on adorable baby clothing for this new bundle of joy. My dear Lance suggested that I put a listing on etsy for anyone else interested in custom baby wear so I wanted to add extra photos to my lovely blog to share. Visit my etsy sight if you are interested in your own custom wear, and for only $15 a piece quite a lovely collectible for your family or friends.
Click on any image to view in full size.

Monday, November 02, 2009

The Voices AHH the Voices!

The Voices AHH the Voices!

So long time no blog and I do apologize for that. Life has been another roller coaster lately. Lance has been home from Wilmington for two weeks and yeah it is nice to have him back in the house. I caught him reading my blog the other day and it kind of took me by surprise. You know the type of people that love you, really love you but you are so scattered on the web that expecting them to follow up on everything you do is understandably too much for any one person, (my etsy, my website, my facebook, the distant Myspace, then this blog on top of all that) any one that doesn’t have a full time stay at home life (sans kids-parents, etc) would never have time to follow all the stuff I post to the web on a monthly basis. My point: it was sweet to see him attempting to keep up with all that I do.

I brag on the ease of my job some days and how it is either feast or famine and lately it has been more feast more than anything else, and that doesn’t even include the barrels of candy fellow co-workers are passing around this place (that I am still passing on as I am afraid I will owe them my left kidney in later years for all the free calories). So my postings have been few and far apart. But I do want my kind fellow bloggers to know that I do read what they are doing, I am tickled by the going ons of my pregnant sister and her blog is very much amusing and as hers is updated, and Gina’s website gets new updates, I find myself wanting more, wanting to know each day what has happened in their child filled homes and wait to come back the next day to see what has changed.

I have filled my slow times (note which aren’t many) attempting to fill the custom baby bag for my sister with new baby (hand crafted goodies) and putting aside other projects that maybe I “should” start working on, Christmas is less than two months away as the rumors are going around tell me. Gina also has “commissioned” me for a new lovely project and I am attempting to sift through my current fabric collections to find some motivation to inspire greatness. I have a feeling that the motivation may come soon.

So there really isn’t much for me to report on the North Carolina end of things, busy life mixed with my over powering desires to be lazy and veg out on the couch each day with a box of wine is about all I have going on at least on a superficial front, don’t read too heavy into that one, the mind is always a churning.

Looking forward to the shot gun Thanksgiving trip in the next couple weeks and hopefully this chill in the air will get me motivated to figure out some holiday presents to start up on.

Miss you all terribly and hoping that this past Halloween was all that you wanted it to be.