Thursday, January 03, 2013

It's 2013 and I'm Back, with Baby!

Let's take a turn at this next chapter. The nursing school has finally ended. I am waiting to take the big test and then start my first job as an RN, all and all very exciting times. To top it all off I sit here 22 weeks "with child". This whole pregnancy, to date, has been not as strange as I had once feared. The growing baby inside of me business creeps me out occasionally but this overwhelming excitement about meeting the little lady takes over and makes me forget that I am a two headed, four eyed, eight appendage monster. Well not me technically but on an xray or ultrasound you could definitely see all these parts and pieces. Hopefully I will get more back into my blog, as I have let it fall to the spammers since October 2010.

Happy 2013 Friends!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

it all feels mostly crazy

So I am watching a Glee Christmas for the second time, (because I woke up at 8am on my holiday break--what person with out small children wakes up at 8 on break??) and I am sure I will watch it again a couple more times before my holiday break is over. I love glee and strangely, I am not embarrassed to say so.

With waking early comes reflection: This past month has been a challenge to say the least, I am trying to form more descriptive words in my mind that would better describe what I have just survived, thinking about this past month makes a wave of nausea start at my lower back and roll up to my head.

Nursing school is way more intense than I ever imagined. I always thought during all my years as a student in the education system (public, and semi confusingly private/public) that school was just a requirement of life, you made it through classes doing as much or as little as you needed to do to gain the pride and acceptance of your parents, peers, siblings, or whomever seemed interested at the end of each grading period to ask "how did you do?" I had this grand idea in my mind that when one went to college they went to learn what they wanted to learn. I was quickly thrown under the bus to learn that to apply to a program of personal interest that there were more classes that were required, not classes one would willingly take "for fun" but classes you have to take. So I took those classes, those biology's, chemistry's, math's, and anatomy's. Oh the Maths. I am not a strong student. I will show up and I will do my homework but when it comes to actual application I can't force interest.

I did it, I finished all the required classes, I even received my first associate's degree with honors in requirement classes. It took 6 years as a part time night student. Although mostly it was not that much fun, I did it and I walked across a stage and I took credit for doing, not what I wanted but, what was required off me.

I said the last two paragraphs above to get to this point. I really thought I would excel at the Nursing Program because I worked so hard to be in the Nursing Program. There has been so much talk, planning, and preparation that led up to last semester, so much. I really thought that it would have been not as stressful, not as hair pulling, not as _____________. There is a word that belongs on that line but for the life of me I can not find it. I will, trust me I will but I just don't have it right now.

So, Merry Christmas, reflect back on all you have done to get you to today. I am sure your path has been occasionally bumpy, with holes, ruts, and some mud. But you did it, you made it to the holiday season and I am proud of you. Life is hard. I am not sure I really understood the concept of life three or even five years ago, I really think that there should be some bedtime kid type stories for us adults explaining that bears poop in the woods and that life is hard but done in cute analogy type ways with fuzzy animals on thick cardboard pages that smell of bubble gum or lavender.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hey Happy Thanksgiving post day 2

I hope you my loyal reader had an amazing Thanksgiving. I was very blessed again this year to find myself surrounded by family and friends. I say that my Thanksgiving started 11/19 as Lance and I traveled to Florida to see Mom, Dad, Grandma M and Pap M for the short weekend. Then had a great drive back to Winston with our dear Peacock friends.

Then I was given a wonderful gift-a short school week!! I really am thankful for the little things.
Wednesday was "homeless thanksgiving" at the Steerman's again this year and it was delightful! The pre-stretch stomach exercises were just what I needed.

Thursday Terri and Cathy came over about one pm and the hustle and bustle of my kitchen began. For my complaints of a small kitchen there was more than enough room for the three of us. We chopped, sliced, carmalized, baked, and some other cooking terms that I don't even understand. The house was steaming in yummy flavors and smells. The prep work took about three hours or so and we still had some time to spare so we took the pups and had ourselves a nice stroll through the neighborhood. The air was crisp and the leaves still had the pleasant crackle under our feet, Tucker and Sunnie stopped to attempt to bathroom every foot and a half to the point I think one of them was exhausting powder but we all had a good time.

The bird made its last flight into the oven about four and then we waited, rotating in casseroles and basting. The boys and Jessica made it just in time to see the oven come out of the oven. Lance proudly sliced the bird as I set the table, and took a couple photos.
After dinner there was the traditional clean up, conversationing, and lying around with distended stomachs. All and all I would say that this was the most perfect first thanksgiving I ever hosted. Hope you enjoy our photos.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Happy Monday the fourth!

So I sat here for a little bit before beginning the typing up of my "Monday blog" and I think I have figured out that I am going to keep my blog going the way it has always gone, meaning; update on me!! Because I am sure there is no other self serving reason that you my loyal reader (Gina) reads this. But my website is back up and running and I am going to keep the website dedicated to house stuff (right now) and keep my blog dedicated to me. Sound like a plan? ---or just sound like too much to read?? Your call.

Good now that we are both on the same page. This Monday has started off kind of rough. I woke up and half my body was asleep. I got up with that numb right sided feeling and after realizing I had not been bitten by a spider but simply didn't roll over at any point last night I felt better and stopped checking for bites. Then I went to take the heathen puppies out and Tucker started vomiting, I was able to get him to the tile and away from the carpet but it still sucks. Then outside I found out that he isn't feeling too well. I swear he gets so emotional over things, granted the apartment is all packed up and we keep boxing up things that he is used to seeing around the apartment. So I am sure it is just the stress of the move, even though I don't think he knows what is completely going on, I have tried to explain it to him. I swear some men just don't listen, not even sure why I waste my time.

But hopefully he can make it until he gets to Amy's Palace of Puppy Fun tonight, I know being over there with Amy and the girls will take his mind off things, then when we get him tomorrow we can take him straight to the house. Sunnie is doing great, she doesn't get emotional of little things anymore. She is my super trooper. Honestly she is so pleased that we put her collar back on her she probably won't complain about anything for a solid month. See, since Sunnie has her little nose harness for walking I thought there was really no point in her wearing a collar, but her collar has all of her information on it (who to call incase she runs away -again- proof of license, rabies vac, etc, etc) so I think she was beginning to feel as though we don't really love her as much as Tucker because he has a collar with all of his information and she doesn't. We won't tell her that we love Tucker more (on the days he doesn't vomit first thing) because he doesn't whine when we take him on car rides and he doesn't jump and lick our friend's noses when they come in the house. (Man I am really happy dogs can't read--You better not tell her Josh!! I swear I will hunt you down and something something you if you do!!)

What else do I have to report? That's about it really. Looking forward to Pest control day today, Moving day (play with Wade day) tomorrow, and then getting to head to Myrtle for the weekend to see my MOM!! Then the following weekend to see Gina in Norfolk, .............what else.....that's about it right now. Just started on my second cup of coffee. Keep your fingers crossed for me today that everything goes smoothly. Guess I need to go back some more things up.

Thanks for reading----I really do like when you do :)
Photo of the week

Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to life back to....

something some thing. Good morning loyal reader!!

Today is Monday September 27th! Lance and I returned from the beach last night about 6:30pm and arrived at the doorstep of Kat and Will's. They have a lovely home in the heart of Ardmore and hosted Sunday "family dinner". It was pretty much awesome.

The beach was everything I wanted it to be. Warm, sunny, sandy, and lapping with cool waves. I was able to spend a good deal of time with my chair in the water reading and reviewing notes. Lance, Pete, and I arrived Friday about 12:01 am, did a quick run out the end of the porch took in the fresh sea air and set up the house for the weekend.

There was an attempt to sleep in a little on Friday morning but the sun eventually convinced us to get out of bed. To the sand and sea with us!

Then a walk to "town" and treasure hunting, and then dinner at Sharky's to enjoy crabmeat stuffed jalapeƱos, and fish tacos. TASTY!

After some time on the back porch, a game of pandemic (to experience pandemic online click here) the rest of our crew shows up.

Saturday morning we woke to fresh coffee and amazingly wonderful friends. The beach was just as amazing the second day as it was the first. The boys played some kubb the girls lounged around and read (me my text book, ME some Harry Potter). We then had a surprise (kind of) arrival of D-train with arms full of Flaming Amy's, there was much rejoicing. She brought so many chips and so much salsa we were all in an Amy's coma with in about 20 minutes, it truly was an amazing treat.

For dinner we got all dolled up and went out for dinner at Cinellis and attempted to share two of the largest platters of seafood pasta known to man and failed miserably. After that we went home presented Lance with his cake, played some bang and called it a night.

Sunday morning there was an air of sadness as the group realized that today is the day to pack up and head out. But to brighten spirits Lance whipped together (with the help of Griddle Master Peter, and the pancake maniac Josh) some amazing pumpkin pancakes. After an itty bitty amount of cleaning we all found ourselves back out in the sand. More kubb was played, sun was absorbed, and I attempted to make a drip sand castle until the "fema" team of Josh and Lance strolled in to create a drainage system.

The showers had been taken, the house swept, vacuumed, and scrubbed the rain started to fall. We all piled in our vehicles, dropped off the recyclables and did one final stop at Sunset Slush before hitting the road home.

Pretty much a stellar weekend all and all. Today the rain is still falling, I get to back to school, and this evening we are going to relieve Amy of puppy duty.

And Friday we will close on our house!