So as many of you know I have been with out husband these last three weeks and as the challenges of running a household of two dogs didn’t get as overwhelming as I would have thought, I have to admit, (in a quite whisper) that I do miss having the husband around. The first week I spent trying to get the house as clean as possible. The second and third week attempting to maintain a clean house while busting my hump studying for a very important exam, which sadly I did not score as high as I wanted to. But the attempt was fun(ish).
I have had some interesting experiences in this time alone, $1.76 meals at Moe’s, a plethora of random people at the normal stomps asking where “he” was, some fun arts and craft projects. See progression of owl below.

A fun “camping” trip at the Wilmington KOA with some super great friends, a dinner at the Peacock’s, a date to see Toy Story 1&2 3D with an amazing eleven year old hammerhead buddy of mine, getting time to spend with the baby Wade who each day grows so much more than the last time I have seen him, a couple of wonderfully entertaining sleep-overs, sick dogs, an afternoon with Tucker on the beach, lunches and spectacular dinners with the Trillos, finding the bottoms of a couple decent cheap wines, interesting dinners some that I will try again and some that I will not.
I feel in this time to myself I have learned a little more about me. What makes me tick, what I like to do when it is just me in the evening, what I will eat when I don’t worry about the husband, (there were many nights of yogurt and oatmeal) how messy I truly am.
But the experience has been good. I can’t attest on how good it has been for the husband but for me I think over all it has been a positive experience. I feel as though I am more prepared for the next month alone.
October is a month chalk full of funess in the Kreger camp. We are quickly approaching our two year anniversary. So those who put less than two years in the bet calendar, scratch your names off and ha ha. . . My Dad is coming for a sleep over on the 25th! And the announcement of the recently pregnant sister!!! There is a chill brewing in the air and I admit I like it. I am pulling out the scarves I put together last year and am getting excited about wearing them again this year. I started putting together the owl one above after the inspiration to make one for my dear friend Stephanie (shush don’t tell her though, she doesn’t know).
I think that I am going to attempt to mail a “Fun” present out to one of my friends with every purchase or any book request that goes out so keep your eye on the mail box. If there is something you need let me know and maybe I will put your name on the next fancy package.
Interested in a super cape for your super little person? Send me an email and tell me a little about your little person and what kind of super power they would have and maybe just maybe I will send you a cape in the mail. If you are a friend of Gina’s that has seen the super cape in person and really really want on I think. . . . . . (depending on the fabric) I can get one put together and mailed out to you for $13.00 including shipping. Just email me. . . . .
Well thanks for reading another long winded JustJen post. Thank you for the photos of your gifts, my lovely stalkers!! I am glad that my surprises have been appreciated.
Lots of love,
Your neighborhood crafty Jen