Wednesday, April 29, 2009

oh a pretty bag!

Oh, My Oh My have I been a BUSY girl!
Just finished up with Microbiology Class on Monday and ended up with a C in the class, not what I wanted but with the effort I put in it is a grade that I deserved. Now my free time is being more allotted to arts and crafts! I was halfway through the second duffle bag for and my sewing machine pooped out on me. Poor old Brother has been chugging along with me for about 6 years now and I think it has finally had it. I mourned for a day and then went to target. Picked up one of those handheld singer deals and after reading all the horrid reviews, breaking two needles and figuring out battery configuration it got done what I needed it to do. I pulled out my craft threads and put in a lot of hand sewing, about 16 hours in total and finally got it to a place I am happy with. Thinking of inside ideas I got an email from the lovely owner of Treasure Trove Jewelry requesting two hand bags so I got the gears churning. 89% done with the second duffle my good buddy Roberto** purchases a sewing machine for his own use, and asks for a quick lesson which turns into me taking up all the sewing machine time to put together the outside part of two new bags. Boy am I pleased!!
So I haven’t done much to post on Etsy, but my fingers have been working steady on this commission project which I have really enjoyed. Well I hope you enjoyed the new photos of the new treasure trove jewelry hand bag! I did leather work (recycled, no worries didn’t go out and murder a fresh cow or anything) for the first time and leather needles will be a good investment if this trend continues.

Thanks for visiting, come back for more exciting projects.

**names have been changed to protect the not so innocent..

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Short Post

So Back from DC!! And 30! Wow what a whirl wind adventure.
Sorry I haven’t posted many makings on here lately, and its not that I haven’t been creating its just that I have been working on a commissioned project for my Family, custom duffle bags for the new jewelry store (photos to come) and some little projects for Mr. Seth. I did a custom quilt blanket for the little guy and come to find out that he really loves it! There are about 7 or 8 “Seth” names hand sewn on different squares in different fonts and a back that is fully terry cloth, fun and functional!
I will write more soon, Gina just added some to her blog and I wanted to share. Interested in a custom blanket for your little loved one?
Send me an email/comment/whatever.
Have a great day after Earth Day!