I have dropped the just, did you notice? Does anyone notice anymore? I occasionally sit down and find myself wondering why I continue to write in here, and then I realize that I enjoy entertaining myself and that some days just sitting in front of my computer and doing something for myself makes me feel very “Carrie” from Sex in the City and then I smile and long to sit at my desk and smoke whilst gazing out a window at a crowded street in my (imaginary) fancy manolo high heels and. . . . .Sorry a tangent. Lance would throw the orange flag on that one and call it a “run on” sentence foul. Then I would pout and the game would go on.
I really have nothing clever to write about today. I could bore you with my days events or I could make up an elaborate story how I was crowned the Princess of Echo Glen and I ruled that today would be “pretty pretty princess day” and all those that I deem worthy are highly encouraged to go to Claire’s in the mall and spend $6.99 on a tiara and sit at their desks and wear them today. But that really wouldn’t be much of an interesting story either and the dragon slaying segment really does go on much longer than one would expect.
Today is Thursday, I guess I could refocus on my title and explain why I decided to call this Thursday a Friday and why I will not call tomorrow Thursday. Tomorrow I will be going with Lance to Greenville, NC. Yes Lance and I on a road trip, together in the same car, just the two of us. Please pull yourself up and get back in your chair it really wasn’t that surprising, okay maybe a little, but breath deep and the stars will go away.
Lance is applying for a couple PA Programs in the state of North Carolina in his eternal search for an education. Now I strongly encourage this perusal. I am actually quite fond of intelligent men, or mute men, I can’t remember which right now. Both make me feel smashingly wonderful and occasionally pretty enough to be a “Trophy Wife” yes I digress.
So Lance is applying to Wake Forest to which I have half of Winston Salem secretly praying that he gets into, and he is also applying to Eastern Carolina University which I secretly have the other half of Winston (parts of Washington, and a sprinkle of folks in Florida) praying he doesn’t get into.
Why am I evil? Well in this case because Lance is my favorite of all guy folks and I really don’t want him to have to move away, and me being my Father’s daughter, don’t really like change. Could I bust my hump and get my schooling taken care of and possibly move with Lance? Er. . . maybe, but I would have to give up on sleep, my remaining sanity, possibly my horse, shiny new car, and a job that surreptitiously I enjoy. In the long run of “Lance and Jen” would moving away benefit us as a relationship? Or would it cause more hardship on us?
I am not a fortune teller and I really can’t say. But it is something that I have found myself overly consumed with these days, and Lance and I are working on me getting passed this and on to happy things. Like eating Cotton Candy for dinner, which I still haven’t been able get away with. Yes, Gina I know you would let me eat cotton candy for dinner that is why I love you.
So there is a dim light into the world of Jen. See it really wasn’t that interesting maybe the dragon slaying story would have amused you more? (Shrugs) it might have amused me more to write it as well.
On a completely separate note the Horse Rescue Group that I volunteer with is hosting a silent auction on the site I created for them
www.userltriad.org and I actually handed over the keys to the shiny webpage to another volunteer and allowed her access to all my secret web toys and she did a wonderful job putting the page together and adding pretty pretty photos so I wanted to brag on her a little and maybe encourage folks that haven’t been on the site to go check it out. USERL does great things for horses and we need several more rescues in this cruel world that make a difference as much as they do.
Okay on with your Friday.