Well I have decided that I am going to try and be more dedicated to my blog and focusing more on my etsy shop
http://www.justjen79.etsy.com/ in hopes to become more productive in that world.

I have just finished an awesome three passport set for a close friend of mine that I sold via etsy that I want to brag on. These three guys were a joy to make, I found some great hand embroidery patterns on Urbanthreads.com and went on a making a new set of passport covers for my site that I truly adore. Not that I don't adore the others but these have a new fresh angle to them and were a great joy to put together, I forget how weak my fingers are until I start putting passport covers together, the multiple layers of fabric and interfacing is a coupling of tough materials. Sadly I did break my very favorite needle, it was a thick eye needle with a snake like head on it and it kind of dug into the materials. It was one of those moments that you feel you should stop pushing so hard at an angle and I didn't, I just kept on and that horrible snap happened and my first thought was "don't get in a dogs eye" lucky it just stayed wedged in the last stitch and I pulled it, found a replacement needle that was no where as cool and kept on.
I also started on a "star"project about a month ago and have been getting a little side tracked ever since. It started out with the angle that they would make great pins for clothing or basic backpack decorations. 
Then I caught a forum conversation about promo items for a give away package in California with http://brownies-vintage.com/ and I was thinking that sales have been slow and these stars are pretty addicting to make so why the heck not. I was able to throw about 20 of the little star key chains together. Which I had a lot of fun doing so I broke down and bought some key chain rings and put some up on the site to sell to the public for only $2.50
. These little guys are great though they are sweet and can attach to anythign a normal key ring would attach to. I get so many nice comments from my class mates on the one I have styling out on my backpack. Nice to show off what we hand makers can make and that not only can hand made items be fun to show off they show a little about who we are and at the least they are a conversation starter for the person standing next to you on the elevator that always stares blankly at the ceiling on the ride up to the third floor.
Well I guess I will let this be it for now. . . keep on.
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